Source Code

Gibson SG

The absolute best guitar. Raspy, crunchy, bluesy, unmatched in it's ability to rock.

Clapton, Tony, Hendrix, and best of all, Angus use(d) the Gibson SG.

by Slatte November 6, 2007

111πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


What everything seems to taste like.

Chicken was probably in primordial soup.

by Slatte April 30, 2008

1289πŸ‘ 431πŸ‘Ž

Wuxi Finger Hold

Proper spelling of the term coined in the movie "Kung Fu Panda". Pronounced 'wooshi'.
Incorporating a lethal pinky flex, can be used to decimate renegade kung fu masters.

See skadoosh


noob: What! *gasp* NO!

Kung Fu Master: YES!

noob: No...no, you wouldn't, not the wuxi finger hold!

KFM: Oh yes I would!

noob: You're bluf-

KFM: Skadoosh

*mushroom cloud*

by Slatte August 31, 2008

64πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

nose burn

The sharp pain in one's ear when they've drank too much carbonated liquid. usually applies to those who can't stomach their CO2

*Bob downs a Pepsi*
Bob:Aw that hits the spot.
*bob thrashed wildly and smacks his nose violently*
Bob: %#%^#%& nose burn @%^@$%^@ nose burn #&%3
Joe: oh. haha

by Slatte December 9, 2006

12πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Triggers the release of a deadly gas when pulled

his finger was pulled and damn it stunk. we had to get the county fumigated.

by Slatte October 28, 2006

131πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

The Joker

The most badass clown this side of Gotham

The Joker's most famous line: Ha ha

by Slatte July 19, 2008

1510πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž


A chronic case of nose-picking.

We regret to inform you that your son has a severe case of pickanosis

by Slatte February 6, 2008

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž