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In short, a vaguely mammalian biped with a twelve-toothed, wedge-shaped snout, seemingly all skin, knees, neck, and fluff, often with a nervous, superstitious, or easygoing nature.

In full, sergals are an invented alien species with characteristics similar to those of a variety of other animals (and some vehicles). They have a particularly recognizable, long, flat-topped, pointy snout, vaguely similar to a cheese wedge or an anvil, and distinctly non-humanoid legs. They are part of a spiritual-fantasy universe called Vilous, which despite being in an ongoing/draft state has gained notable traction among the furry fandom. They were originally conceived by Mick39 (formerly known as Trancy Mick).

Sergals have a long and storied history dating back to the mid-late 2000s, where they had a reputation for being violent, bloodthirsty sociopaths. 4chan being the hive of scoundrels it is perpetuated and amplified this reputation and it persists even today, despite the source material upon which that reputation is based being retconned years ago.

It takes six sergal snouts, all facing inwards, to form a complete circle.

by Snergal December 31, 2019

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