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Good Good

Slang for the high inducing powder often packed in small packets, more commonly known as fun dip.

Alex: “Yo bro you got that good good?”
Jerome: Hell yeah
*whips out fun dip*

by Snixzersbarxz June 2, 2019

2👍 1👎

Good Good

Slang for a powdery, sweet, sugar referred to as fun dip.

I got that good good ;)
*whips out fun dip*

by Snixzersbarxz June 2, 2019

1👍 1👎


A whorish, and/or incredibly horny individual.

Acts upon their sexual feelings non-stop, making people incredibly uncomfortable.

Damn. Kyle’s such a ronchy dude.. all he does is try to get in girl’s pants

by Snixzersbarxz May 23, 2020