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Tin Foil Garbage Can

A device from Sharper Image that keeps the trash warm so it doesn't get cold and go bad and start to stink.

Tin Foil Garbage Can keeps the trash warm, keeps the garbage good, and keeps the house smelling fresh and not stinking like shit.

by Solo Amadeus January 31, 2022

Condolence High Five

Condolence high fives are no different from ordinary high fives, except that they are offered in condolence rather than in celebration.

Ted had the most horrible date; because Barney could relate to his sadness, he offered Ted a Condolence High Five.

by Solo Amadeus April 11, 2022

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toe spoon

A brilliant Austrian innovation which significantly improves upon the function of the toe knife. The toe spoon completely eliminates any risk of self-injury during the cleaning of scum out of one's toes.

Frank used to swear by his toe knife, but ever since he met Alexi, he has always cleaned the scum out with a toe spoon.

by Solo Amadeus December 1, 2021

Ocular Patdown

An ocular patdown is a visual threat assessment performed by Ronald MacDonald (Mac) or his cousin, Country Mac.

Mac: I did an ocular patdown on him.
Dennis: What?
Mac: I'm saying I did an ocular assessment of the situation, garnered that he was not a security risk and I cleared him for passage.

by Solo Amadeus December 24, 2022


An alternative to the traditionally used term "lesbian" to describe a woman who is attracted exclusively to other women. The term originated in the Friends episode entitled "The One With Monica's Boots" by Jack Sumner, who is Sting's fictional son.

Apparently, Sting's son made fun of the fact that Ben's moms are "lesbonyms".

by Solo Amadeus February 5, 2022

Georgia Mud Stomp

This is what happens when a person repeatedly kicks/beats someone who has already been knocked to the ground such that they are no longer to do more than "lie there and take it".

This term differs from other state variants of the term "mud stomp" in that it is strictly about violence as opposed to sexual activity.

In a vicious act of vengeance, the man brutally beat his childhood bully and left him motionless on the streets of Atlanta after delivering a good old-fashioned Georgia mud stomp.

by Solo Amadeus June 20, 2024

Jazz Friday

An occasional office holiday celebrated on specified Fridays during which employees are encouraged to bring their instruments as well as a "jazz attitude". However, it is subject to cancellation by superiors. The holiday, often shortened to "J.F.", is noted for sharing a lot of similarities with advertising.

Martin and John were thrilled to celebrate Jazz Friday, but Ben canceled it.

by Solo Amadeus January 30, 2022