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The act of locking someone's eyeball for sexual stimulation

I gave that bitch the best ocular of her life last week

by butface1994 February 28, 2015

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1. A badass band.
2. A lense.
3. An adjective pretaining to the eye.

by Jimmy Graf July 14, 2003

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ocular rectism

The medical condition where a person's asshole nerve is connected to their eyeball nerve, giving them a shitty outlook on life.

Amy Winehouse sure has an ocular rectism, considering how she looked so hot at one time, and now she is a doped up, fugly looking crack whore.

by Dr. Obvious June 17, 2008

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Ocular rectitis

When the nerves between your anus and eyes switch and you have a shitty outlook on life.

*after listening to someone bitch/be negative/ have a shitty outlook on life* "Wow, looks like you're suffering from ocular rectitis."

by From my awesome grandfather <3 September 1, 2010

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Ocular Patdown

An ocular patdown is a visual threat assessment performed by Ronald MacDonald (Mac) or his cousin, Country Mac.

Mac: I did an ocular patdown on him.
Dennis: What?
Mac: I'm saying I did an ocular assessment of the situation, garnered that he was not a security risk and I cleared him for passage.

by Solo Amadeus December 24, 2022

Ocular Testiculitis

(n) When a standard teenage males voice cracks so hard the testicles ascend to the ocular cavities replacing the eyes.

"Hey Jimmy want to go sk...(pterodactyl noise) my balls"
"Damn that was a bad outbreak of Ocular Testiculitis"

by Jsenpai August 28, 2014

Ocular Job

Stimulating a man's genital part with the the partner's eye socket.

As you can SEE, this is how ocular jobs works...

by Cubicpubic F*CK ACADEMY September 25, 2008

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