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symphonic metal

Simply the best subgenre of metal out there. Combines the distorted guitars and powerful drums of metal with the beautiful symphonic sound of classical orchestra instruments, such as violins, pianos, cellos, etc.

Some great symphonic metal bands include: Rhapsody of Fire, Therion, Symphony X, Nightwish, Kamelot, Angra, and more

by SomeBadJOKE March 15, 2007

210πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

emo poser

A person who tries to fit in with the emo label just for attention or popularity (which doesn't make sense because emo people aren't supposed to be popular)

Anyway, here are some ways to spot an emo poser:

1. Act depressed 24/7, even when nothing is wrong in their lives
2. Cut themselves purposefully... and then show it to everyone
3. Must always adopt the complete emo look: dark dyed hair with sidebangs, very tight pants, an emo band t-shirt (like Hawthorne Heights) at least 3 items from Hot Topic, and of course, eyeliner
4. Has a rich family
5. Music lists ALWAYS include the following bands: My Chemical Romance, Hawthorne Heights, The Used, Simple Plan, Fall Out Boy, AFI, and more
6. Throws emo song lyrics around on their myspace/xanga/livejournal/etc., usually as their display name
7. On the above-mentioned sites, include pictures of themselves with the typical myspace angle (weird camera aim which barely allows for the viewer to see the person except for their hair, or at least one of their eyes)
8. Only talk to people who look just like themselves (and may get rejected if they see how much of a poser he/she is)
9. Are anorexic or have some other mental disorder, usually involving their self-image (because all emo posers think they're ugly)
10. Complain about their "hard lives" all the time

In short, emo posers are the reason that everyone hates emos. They're the ones who act like this, so people think that all emos do it too. In reality, true emo people act like themselves, and the only way that they are all alike is that they tend to have a primarily emotional personality. That's it. It has nothing to do with being depressed or mental disorders, or listening to all the same bands, unless you have a good reason for being depressed, did not force the mental disorder on yourself, or listen to the bands because you actually like them.

Though, in reality, I personally do not like most of the bands. They're not in my taste. I'm not gonna insult them though. Only the people who listen to them just because everyone else does, AKA the posers.

Emo poser: omg I'm SOOO depressed, becuz liek look at my ristz their soo bloody huh?!1

Emo: What the hell? You obviously did that on purpose.

Emo poser: Nono no wai I did not! I liek totally got sad and My Cemikul Romanze is mah fave band EVUR!! All mah otha frendz lizzen to them!

Emo: ... Ok, you know what? How about you just keep cutting? It'll be the solution to not only your problem but to ours too. Our reputation will finally be saved!

Emo poser: Oo yea! Good idea! Now Im gunna go take my super-expensiv nife and cut mah ristz while lizzenin to Hawforn Haytz!

Emo: Yea. Hurry up. You need to bleed more. Or, how about you let ME do it for you?

by SomeBadJOKE November 7, 2006

338πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


Wannabe death metal.

Sure, ya got the blast beats and fast riffs, and *attempted* growling and screaming, but no, just no - it's not cool. You sound just like every other metalcore band, and it's getting boring.

The only good metalcore bands are Unearth and Shadows Fall. Everyone else just tries too hard.

by SomeBadJOKE May 27, 2007

107πŸ‘ 145πŸ‘Ž

Simple Plan

While the music itself is not too terrible, the songs are always about how much their life sucks or how much they hate themselves and wish they could die.

Quit trying to be emo and make some meaningful music for once, idiots.

Simple Plan: My life sucks!! WAAHH!! But I got tons of money!! WAAHH!! I can't sing!! And my girlfriend dumped me!! It's all my fault!! WAAHH!! I WISH I COULD DIE!!! WAAAAAAHHH!!

by SomeBadJOKE September 6, 2006

112πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

Kingdom Hearts

A pretty good game by Square-Enix with a humongous fanbase. The fanbase of this game alone could rival those of InuYasha, Naruto, Dragonball Z, and Full Metal Alchemist... combined.

Almost 75% of all fanart on deviantart is KH-related, and about 25% of this fanart gets enough favorites to appear on Today's Favorites. It's official.. KH has attracted more fangirls than all the previously popular animes combined, since people already loved Final Fantasy, and girls also love Disney. Combine these into one game - Kingdom Hearts - and you have a game that's loved by almost everyone.

About 95% of female anime artists on deviantart.com WILL make at least one fanart drawing of Kingdom Hearts characters that will appear on her gallery. The drawing will usually be of either Sora, Riku, Axel, or Roxas - sometimes more or all four of them. Who can blame them? KH is a fun game after all. Square-Enix are such geniuses..

by SomeBadJOKE August 15, 2006

106πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

you're fired

Contrary to popular belief, it's NOT Donald Trump's catch phrase. It actually belongs to Vince McMahon of WWE

Vince McMahon: Eric Bischoff... YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!

by SomeBadJOKE January 9, 2007

164πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž

Meet the Fockers

I'll admit it's a funny movie, but it makes fun of gays way too much. Stupid homophobic people..

"Gaylord Focker" - need I say anything else? Meet the Fockers is more for homophobics than anyone else.

by SomeBadJOKE July 28, 2006

21πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž