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Most Notably a Halo 1 Clan found on XbConnect. On a later note a Halo 2 clan that fell apart and has since been dead. Their playing style was derived from the term Black Ops which is basically "to operate in the dark" Their clans slogan was "Death from the Shadows" Many of the members believed at the core that through all the fighting found irl that eventually we would all make it to a place where we would be "Immortal" Every member took their names from a letter in the military/phonetic alphabet. Starting with the clans three founding brothers Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. They competed with the best of the best including most notably StK or Shoot To Kill who was most definately the best Halo clan well into Halo 2. Stk Spent most of their MLG career undefeated well into Halo 2. Halo 3 the clan is now nonexistent. During Black-Ops reign every member was ages 13-16 and thus, never was able to make it to a MLG competition. That didnt stop them from dedicating every moment they could to perfecting their playing style and thirst for competition.

-whoop whoop

StK irl MLG Black-Ops

by Some_Guy_diez August 18, 2009

11👍 17👎