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Melanie -
A person who will always get to the point and hates too many details. It wont interest her - AT ALL. Will listen and hear things that you wont even have to say out loud. She naturally understands people and accepts them. Even the weird and different. Has extreamly high ambition and morality but wont force any on anyone else.
Loves to flirt. Is Beautiful. Gets lots of attention. Good to bring to any party.
Loves cartoon characters and she will ALWAYS be a big kid herself !
Very girly/ good at fashion but will still play video games and play wrestle now and again. Has a million followers.
DONT EVER EVER argue with a Melanie.
Shes right. YOUR wrong. End of story.
It doesnt matter if you had a point , she has ten reasons why your one reason doesnt work. AND even if its not logical - comming from HER its the most Intelligent and believable thing you have EVER heard in your life! She is lawyer material.
Just shutup.
Shes right.
Your wrong.
Everyones happy.
Or at least you will be...shes very loving and forgiving and fun to be around. So DONT waste time argueing! Go to that party or that mall. Where theres a Mel theres a new adventure!

Melanie sure knows what shes talking about!

by SomethingDifferent07 January 8, 2009

4944👍 1032👎


A very beautiful person inside and out.
Will always make you laugh and give you a hug before you even know you need one!
Can be some what blunt. But at least you know she is truthful. Very sweet and easy to talk to. Loves the colour pink and loves her family more than anything else!
High morals. She sets her own ground.

Melissa has everything in pink!

by SomethingDifferent07 January 8, 2009

7636👍 3176👎


Jack -
A very intellectual, insightful man with the most honest heart. His intentions and words are always well intended and he has the sexiest eyes in the whole world.
If you ever argue with a 'Jack' he will for sure make a Jack Ass out of YOU.
He always thinks ahead and see's the bigger picture. He hates fighting/ argueing. * yawn* its boring to him.
But he will always win because he plays by his own rules. His morality is strong and hes as dependable as a solid rock. A guy you can count on. Loves meeting new people where ever he goes. Loves freedom. Hates being conformed. Wont change for anyone and wont expect you to change either.
Highly independant. Likes to use his head. And its a very powerful one..very brilliant. Has women falling every where while hes still standing.
Humbel.Funny. Wont lie.

Jack is the sexiest guy ever

by SomethingDifferent07 January 8, 2009

18726👍 7921👎