Source Code


Youthful, only slightly muscular, relatively hairless gay man.

by Sooper! June 9, 2002

115πŸ‘ 114πŸ‘Ž


To kill somebody as part of a financed murder contract.

Tony was very upset when he found out his mother and uncle had attempted to orchestrate a hit on him.

by Sooper! June 9, 2002

720πŸ‘ 361πŸ‘Ž


Engage in sexual intercourse.

He looked up at the beautiful woman and shouted "five dollars and a pack of smokes - can I hit it?"

by Sooper! June 9, 2002

86πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

dumpster diving

Actively searching through trash in commercial or residential dumpsters to find discarded but usable items; Proves fruitful at grocery stores and bakeries, where good food is often neatly thrown away when it merely approaches the sell-by date.

We figured it was dumb to spend money on bread when the local bakery throws out fresh loaves every evening, so we went dumpster diving after they closed and came out with a weeksworth of bread for free!

by Sooper! June 9, 2002

232πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž


A term often used in homosexual circles to describe a man with a smooth, youthful, only slightly-muscular, physique.

by Sooper! June 9, 2002

4559πŸ‘ 1670πŸ‘Ž


The act of satisfying a penis with one's mouth.

Ken's bum hurt from bicycling all day, so rather than make love, he and Rob decided to perform oral sex on eachother.

by Sooper! June 9, 2002

145πŸ‘ 1494πŸ‘Ž


Retarded. Slow.

I didn't sleep last night and I've been really sped today!

by Sooper! June 9, 2002

9πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž