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a meme started on a discord server known as the united states of america, i’m which became a trend amongst a few lucky people to understand the true meaning of fuckjess

person 1: yo my ex jess cheated on me
person 2: i told you she was a bitch #fuckjess

by Spacecadet119 November 25, 2021

7👍 1👎

Devious haircut

A shitty hairstyle for a young black male who often gets criticized for his unattractive hair

• Blimey mate don’t have feelings of anger towards me because I’m more of a dazzling fellow. However, if you dispose of thine devious haircut, you will acquire more female attracting towards thine nether regions. Alas, maybe tanisha will negotiate with you, rather than that medical practitioner or lawyer she is having sexual interactions towards... acquaintance

by Spacecadet119 January 2, 2021

Trap Historian

A dude who doesn’t leave his house and knows about anything that has to do with Trapping. He knows about every deal that goes on.

Ashir this kid 16-17 never leaves his house. He's a trap historian studies everything trap related. Never sold or touched drugs in his life. His mom doesn’t let him. Just loved to know all about deals business. Spends All his time online in dealer groupchats and spamming dealers pretending to be a "real n*gga" apparently his cousin actually was a big ass plug for a while. and that's why he got obsessed with the trap cuz he saw his cousin. But he's too scared to go outside and sell drugs or anything so he lives in this fantasy land. His burning curiosity of the trap consumes him, he must learn something new every day, whether it be the 8th grader buying a $15 gram of oregano, or a 6 figure deal going down a couple blocks away. He needs to know, he is the hub of all knowledge, every network leads to him, and though an unimaginable weight to bear, he stays being a trap historian, humble til the end of his days.

by Spacecadet119 January 3, 2021

27👍 2👎

Ferragamo's Theory of Love

If She shows more then 5 unfixable Red Flags then you must put up your white flag and get the fuck out of there. Also do not try to save anyone whom isnt willing to save themselves, its common sense. but dont date sociopaths who will use you and abuse you because you'll end up with severe PTSD, and cause your self mental and financial burden. also never take back a bitch who left u for a nigga in a psychiatric facility, in fact if they in a psychiatric facility the bitch is a red flag in itself. if she fucks 5 niggas after u and u get back w her you is a chump.

Person 1:Yo i got with this chick
Person 2: oh what is she like?
Person 1: well shes homeless, went on a date w her and the bitch ended up in a psych unit, got extreme daddy issues, and is a diagnosed Sociopath
Person 2: and how long you been w her?
Person 1: 6 months why?
Person 2: at least she hasn't left u for anyone
Person 1: Yeah she did, left me for this guy in the Pj's, a total nutjob
Person 2: and you took her ass back?
Person 1: I wanted to give her a second Chance
Person 2: You're a fuckin idiot, you know that?
Person 1:How???
Person 2: Just get rid of her, you gotta follow Ferragamo's Theory of love.

by Spacecadet119 November 7, 2021