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A person with no tattoos. (Named after cleanskin wines. A cleanskin wine is a bottle of wine with no brand or label apart from one to tell you the variety of grape used, but never the name of the winery producing it.)

Man: So do you have any tattoos?
Stripper: Nope, I'm a cleanskin, cant you tell?

by SpunkierRat March 21, 2009

30👍 10👎


An initialism of Chin Chin Up Ya Bum. Said as a drinking salutation (such as "cheers!" or "proust!") Also used as an encouraging comment.

Went for a 10km run today, got a fucking blister the size of a dinner plate but I've got gin so everything's alright. CCUYB motherfuckers!

by SpunkierRat December 12, 2020