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Your typical obese, idiotic, consumerist, uncultured, ultraviolent, barely litterate american fuckup viewed by cultures that are not american (eg every other culture in the world). This doesn't limit to trailer trash too, this term also works for rich obese cunts that drive around in SUVs and eat 8 times a day. Just because you got a harvard diploma doesn't mean you're not elligible for the term. To the rest of the world, ALL of americans are trailertrash at best.
Funny thing is the british came up with this word, but they also came up with this despicable, toxic culture.
Thats right yanks : while you guys are stroking yourselves about being the best country in the world, meanwhile, the rest of reality constantly shits on what is justifiably seen as the most destructive, hypocritical, dishonnest, rude, toxic, violent, utterly insane, warmongering and counterproductive country the planet has ever seen.

Hey, look at that obese, badly dressed, lowlives disgusting bunch of fat asses over there : I can't here what language they're talking from this distance, but I'm sure as shit certain they're americunts. You just can spot them from two miles away. Lets keep away from these despicable assholes.

by Spyan November 15, 2021

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Attention craving whore

Contrary to what most people think they are, attention craving whores/bastards can be male OR female. A common noticeable trait is a general lack of interest by their own parents. Thanks to mom and and dad not giving a shit, ordinary people have to deal with them IRL or on teh internet. Guilty of spending too much time copying what "works" instead of developing their own personal qualities.
Noticeable symptoms BE noticeable : no personality, no imagination, despicable sense of humor, generally boring, spend waaaaayy to much time figuring what is LULZ enducing when they don't even know WTF LULZ even means. Driven by the motivation of copying everything that gets thumbs up on teh internet, even to the point point of impersonating people they can't even figure out. The worst kinds even post their own botched up photos because they are sincerely convinced someone will give a shit, even though mom and dad stopped caring 20 years ago when they bought the new Mac ripoff. Generally think they are "special", even though lacking the meaning of imagination. Most often then not put their hands on automated software like Photoshop or Reason and post the awful results shamelessly on social networks, thinking they are "artists" while their hollow shells mass up to buy more bigmacs. And still fucking complain. To sum it up, sad empty people you have to help/avoid, but life is hard as it is and not everyone is mother Theresa.

Attention craving whores still think marketing driven "music" and "movies" are actually good.

by Spyan May 24, 2012

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White Knight

An awkward, socially unskilled, chronically virgin male who's all about women's right and gender equality, but somehow thinks women need him to fight their own battles. A desperate sexually starved male that thinks systematically siding with women will get him free blowjobs.

-John, if you didn't act like a white knight, Catherine might not have run away.

by Spyan November 6, 2019

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African american colloquial street language, slang and speech manerisms, eg "check it out ya'll, ma main man Gerald be rollin our way", which translates to "look everyone, here comes my friend Gerald". Usually involves purposefully incorrect grammar and syntax (as in "we be doing X"). Funny thing about ebonics, their use is supposed to be shun for sounding uneducated and uncultured. However, there's nothing white americans love more ebonic idioms (hold on, there is one other thing they like even more than that : shooting innocent black people for the hell of it). Hence modern american is now riddled with terms such as "|booty", "naw'mean?", "a'ight", "I'ma be buying the new iphone", "|dawg", "|holla", "my man", "getcha X on", "where my ladies at", "|whack" and tens of thousands of other words and sayings that just sound utterly ridiculous and annoying when pronounced by racist white people trying to sound gangsta thinking they'll impress people using expressions from a culture they openly despise. The term wigger even exists to describe people pretending to be black all the time because they think this will make them sound cool. But the teriffying truth is about 80% of the american population now talks like that, quite possibly without them even realizing it.

"WASPs constantly using ebonics is hypocrisy made flesh"

by Spyan May 3, 2020

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Baby Bump

A very obnoxious and grating way to say someone's pregnant. An extremely annoying buzz word used by tabloid-style news outlets to have people storm the comment section to complain about the use of this horrendous and ridiculous expression. hence free traffic, you clever dudez!

"in the name of all that is good STOP SAYING "BABY BUMP !!!"

by Spyan January 22, 2020


Vulgar, of bad taste, loud, flashy, stupid and ugly. Bogans and female chavs often display outrageous tackiness without an ounce of shame. A vestimentary choice that says "I'm an ignorant, tasteless idiot and I'm pretty proud of it, thank you very much". A way to show your economic and intellectual poverty by dressing up in a way that immediately grabs attention, but also stabs you in both the retinas. A tacky person not only obviously lacks taste (and doesn't give a fù*$) but also really, really stands out in a crowd, and not in a good way. Someone who is very bad at basic fashion and has a totally delusional innate sense of self worth.

"David was so embarrassed when his tacky, drunken girlfriend started insulting the barman because he picked up and gave her back the panties she voluntarily dropped while obviously hitting on him that he is now is a monastery in the south of Italy, care to leave a message?"

by Spyan August 21, 2018

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Acronym for All Weebs Are Pedos. A sentence, a fact uttered so many times it was faster to come up with an acronym.

I despise pedo weebs that jerk off to pics of upskirt anime panties, because that's the last way to get laid but they more then anyone REALLY need a good, real, honnest to god fuck. COITUS. No one needs frustrated pedos running around and congregate at anime conventions. Shame to these depraved, half baked, SHAMEFUL spawn of assholes !! AWAP !!

by Spyan September 5, 2023