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Scene Whore

Tattooed and ear gauged mundane and boring fraud that is more preoccupied with his self image and other's approval than with the musical trend they're supposed to be big fans of. Very boring and comon people that would do litteraly to anything to physically stand out, including self harm and mutilation. I stress "physically", because unfortunately scene whores are usually as intellectually interesting as watching houseflies fuck.

Did you see X's facebook account? It's just a gallery of his tattoos and selfies featuring his hyperventilated face at BMTH and BFMV concerts, he's such a desperate scene whore

by Spyan April 10, 2019

Goody two shoes

Bland, cowardly boring people with no personality who go out of their ways to constantly "do the good thing". They'd rather have both of their legs cut off then being offensive or critical of anyone or anything. Very boring, patronizing and dead inside people you should stay clear away from. Real life isn't good or bad, it rests somewhere in between. Anyone who's trying to convince you he is utterly good (or evil for that matter) is a lying POS.

Jack is such a goody two shoes useless pile of jello that he finds anything other then disney movies are immoral and offensive. Fuck Jack, he's not coming on that road trip with us.

by Spyan July 29, 2022


One of the most pathetic, embarassing and obnoxious subculture ever to be shat on the face of the earth; cringe inducing morons who use meaningless japanese words when they talk to sound "special", who are worryingly obsessed with anything japanese, without knowing a single thing about japanese culture per say.
Lonely virgin loser teenager abusing the consumption of mangas and animes to forget about their failure of a life, generally sexually uncertain of what they are, but they're either trans or peadophiles. They dream about hazving sex with kiddy cartoon characters and can actually fall in love and become obsessed with something as sexually uninticing and ridiculous as pumba from the lion king. Utter and complete delusional fuckups that like to disguise as characters written for 10 year olds while being past 35, they're the butts of many a joke, and the shame of many a mother.

Common sense dictactes that this crowd of degenerate lowlives should have been exterminated long ago, if there wasn't so god damn many of them.

Look at that fucking weeaboo dressed up like sailor moon, don't these losers ever feel shame ?

by Spyan September 27, 2021

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Aussie slang for a hippy. Ferals have dreadlocks, tie'n dies with loud, obnoxious neon colours, tents for pants, about 60 different bracelets and necklaces, smoke copious amounts of weed, never get tired of listening to reggae (and can actually tell songs apart), and are not too hot on working (they usually don't) or on personal hygiene. They commonly have only shit to their names (in order not to be bound by the system) and will happily ask you for food/booze/cigarettes/drugs/money/a ride/a place to stay or all of the following. You can have fun with ferals : eg : put a huge padlock in their ear gauges and throw the key in a sewer, preferably right in front of them. They're also non-violent, so knock yourselves out!

Yeah, I think we definitely lost bill, he's gone feral. After doing dreadlocks he got tattoos and quit his job. He bought a 4wd to go live in the bush somewhere, haven't had any news in three months.

by Spyan January 31, 2020

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e-white knight

an overfed basement dweller that knows more about pokemons than women, yet systematically acts as a shield against basic macho insults, in order to get the graces of the maiden in need of rescue. A prick that thinks women need his help. The neglected beggars of the internet. The bottom of the barrel when it comes to founding a family, the last guys a woman would ever fuck.

-all the thumbs down for this gorgeous, beautiful female bassplayer are just jealous assholes : -your average e-white knight

by Spyan March 6, 2022

Kindly fuck off

A very non-diplomatic, straightforward and passive aggressive way of telling someone to get out of one's sight. Used mainly with people that waste your time with non-issues to let them know the shit they're talking about right now is last on a 1500 items to-do list and that right now, time is of the essence. Subtextually, you're warning the annoying person that you won't say it a second time and will gladly proceed directly to physical violence if they carry on. You NEVER get to say "kindly fuck off" twice. Unleast you feel like sounding indecisive.

Mate, i was already late and got a flat tire halfway through. While i was fixing it, some asshole came up to me and asked me for two bucks. I gave him the death stare and told him to kindly fuck off. Seeing i wasn't joking, he indeed made himself scarce. I did miss my date though. Fuck.

by Spyan May 7, 2020

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"Pédale" literally means "pedal" (as on a bike). Pédale is also used as a synonym for "pédé", which means "gay" in french. As in english, "pédale" is used to describe either :
-someone who is gay;
-someone that talks a lot but doesn't act.
Either way, means "gay".

eg : "putain j'ai vu martin gallocher sylvain, je crois que c'est des pédales" (martin just french-kissed sylvain, I guess they're gay) or
"comment tu te laisses parler comme ca, t'es vraiment la derniere des pédales" (how can you let him talk to you like that, you're the last of the wusses).

by Spyan September 8, 2015

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