Source Code

bilbo saggins

When a midget attempts to say his pant you call him Bilbo saggins

Midget:Check me out I'm sagging my pants

Taller Person:Stupid Bilbo Saggins

by Spydter November 6, 2017

looking at the sun

Making contact with the sun through eyes. Don't look at the sun. Who does that? Don't do it. You will be blinded by god. And colorblinded to orange. Don't ask.

"Hey Billy, have you ever tried looking at the sun?"

"Yes. That's why I'm blind, Bobby. "

by Spydter November 6, 2017

2👍 1👎


The part of your boost which nobody remembers unless it starts hurting

Ow! My Panchreas

by Spydter November 7, 2017


The part of your boost which nobody remembers unless it starts hurting

Ow! My Panchreas

by Spydter November 7, 2017

player unkowns battle grounds

The third biggest supplement of salt in the world just behind CSGO and Overwatch the depths of PUBG (player unknowns battle grounds) contains 12 year olds screaming that somebody is hacking and 40 year olds doing the same which fills salt levels to and extreme high

Terry:Have you every play player unkowns battle grounds?

Samantha: Yes thats why i have 90% more salt in my body than i should

by Spydter November 6, 2017

19👍 6👎

hentai simulator

Games like overwatch where most of the community is made up of porn fanatics

Becky:Did you here about that new hentai simulator?

John:No what is it?


John:I'll check it out

by Spydter November 6, 2017

extreme porn

Having sex whilst doing a crazy stunt like walking on a tight rope or even playing Minecraft

Megan:Did you hear Stefan is an extreme porn pro now.

Bill:No way that's so cool

by Spydter November 6, 2017

6👍 2👎