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flipskirt [flip skirt]

Assumed to be old word (old for the under 30 crowd) describing a flirtatious, possibly promiscuous, girl; connotation leaning heavily toward flirtatious rather than promiscuous.
Originates in the idea that a flirty girl in a skirt (think 50s era) could flip her skirt up quickly to give the guys a view of her panties, as a tease, but in an overtly sexual rather than playful manner.

All the guys think she is dreamy because she is such a flipskirt flip skirt!
That flipskirt flip skirt stole my boyfriend!

by Sqrxz December 9, 2008

16👍 1👎

let's not start sucking each other's dicks yet

Don't jump to conclusions, or let's not start celebrating yet. Cautious and borderline pessimistic optimism.
Similar: don't count your chickens before they hatch
Variant: "Let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet."

"I just got a letter that said I won a sweepstakes, but let's not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet."
"I just bought PAX tickets on eBay, but the seller had a picture of himself with a neckbeard, so let's not start sucking each other's dicks yet."

by Sqrxz June 26, 2015

20👍 2👎