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asian 6-pack

1. Set of courses in high school containing 3 maths and 3 sciences

"Dude, Quong-Wing is takign the asian 6-pack"

by Squishmanchu February 26, 2006

115πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


to fight at a concert

some people only go to concerts for the throwdown

by Squishmanchu February 27, 2006

2πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


1. an affirmative response
2. a noise made out of habbit

"Hey John can you pass me that?"


by Squishmanchu February 26, 2006

40πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


a sound made when one says "yeah" in a lazy and sloppy fashion. Popularized by widespread used by rappers and other forms of urban culture

1. an affirmative response.
2. an exclamation of joy or hapiness.
3. if in the habbit of using this word, uttered when one has nothing else to say

1. John: Hey Dave, you want me to put on some music?
Dave: cheaa

2. CHEAAAA!! I just passed my physics test!!!

3. chea.... cheaa. .. uh yeah, I'll go with you to the dance

by Squishmanchu February 25, 2006

41πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž


1. Law (in Latin)
2. A name which stems from Alexander
3. Short form for Lexus or Rolex

"lex 2: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain"

"My best friend is called Lex"

"I will be noticed when I pull up in my Lex, with the Lex aroudn my wrist."

by Squishmanchu February 27, 2006

266πŸ‘ 137πŸ‘Ž


1.slang for the number 2
3.an exclamation, popularized by cartoon character Stewie Griffin from popular TV series "Family Guy"
4.a 2 in poker lingo

"I'm goign to drop a deuce in your toilet, OK?"

"What the deuce?!"

"I got a pair of deuces."

by Squishmanchu February 26, 2006

1066πŸ‘ 622πŸ‘Ž

Bell Curve

1. Graph displaying the Intelligence Quoutient (IQ) among races, known for its distinct hill-like shape. developed by anthropologist C.R. Reynolds, it is controversial as it shows certain races like asians being more intelligent than others such as blacks

2. The Bell Curve: book written by Charles Muarry and Richard Herrnstein expalining Reynolds research and arguing against the perception that there is no difference in intelligence between races

1. "Jerome sure proves the bell curve is true"

2. "I finished reading The Bell Curve yesterday, it was quite interesting"

by Squishmanchu February 25, 2006

47πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž