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National Sudoku Day

November 12th is national sudoku day!
Feel free to slam pencils on desks,and stab the person next to you because you're furious at the sudoku puzzle you're doing.

Amelia:What is today?
Christopher:National Sudoku Day

by St.JIMMMMY November 9, 2019


When someone jumps around to different places in line to be next to someone,or avoid someone.
Basically strategic avoidance of being next to your friends.

Analise:Why did you do that?!
Ramsey:I was Buster-cutting to get next to Elise and Christopher

by St.JIMMMMY November 26, 2019

Cherry cola

When someone(mainly a girl)is very artistic,laidback,smart,sweet,and full of life.

Jerry:Mary is so cherry cola,she let me copy her notes in math!
Jimmy:cherry cola?

by St.JIMMMMY November 10, 2019


People that scare the living shit outta Gerard Way!

GERARD WAY:Teenagers scare the living shit outta me,and they could care less as long as Someone'll bleed!

by St.JIMMMMY November 7, 2019

127👍 12👎