Source Code

Filthy Frank

Shut the fuck up
You're a fucking cunt
Shut the fuck up
You're a stupid cunt, suck my dick
Shut the fuck up
Stop being a fucking cunt
Shut the fuck up
Nobody even wants you here

Filthy Frank Is Joji now, and he's doing alot better.

by StinkyTheHobo November 5, 2020

13👍 5👎


The idiot trump supporter who doesn't know how to take care of kids and always miss-pronounces words and constantly talks about how great trump is. she's such a stubborn idiot.

Person 1: Hey, jocelyn... i will cater to your every command while you pretend to be smart...

Jocelyn: Ok, Thanks for being optimistic, i get my way every time! GIMME A BEER!!!!!!!!!!

by StinkyTheHobo November 5, 2020

1👍 2👎