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Sukkos n shit

"Sukkos n shit" the most common saying in Sydneys Eastern suburbs was first founded in 2021.

The story goes as follows... I was on a run down at Tamma, spotted some stairs now known as the "Tamma stairs" I told myself "I got these stairs easy shit"... Running up the stairs and all of a sudden N**ga falls down the stairs. My leg was fully cooked. Upper thigh gushing with blood, shabbos pants all ripped. I was thinking to myself "how will I get home?" I cant get on a bus cos SUKKOS N SHIT, and I live all the way in Matto cunt.

So I start treking up Bondi Rd and get who I see... Rabbi F**king Yossi! I hucked it with him for a bit, he bandaged my upper thigh and sent me off. When I arrived at Junction guess who I saw... Samuel TaF**kingBib!!

"Oi get on fortnite bro"
"na I can't"
"why not"
"cos sukkos n shit"

by SukkahSlayer69 November 12, 2021

I like it

If you're ever down at Bondi, chances are you'll hear this term used by the one and only Sammy.

The meaning and origin is still unknown but we assume Sammy heard Robert (who is legally not allowed to be on camera) saying the term and then started saying it. Sammy doesn't only use the term, he ABUSES IT. Every sentence he says he chucks in a "I like it" or "It is what it is"...

"Hey Sammy how are you"

"Good Baruch Hashem and you?"
"yeah not bad, did you see that tiktok i sent you?"
"I LIKE IT, hehehe"

by SukkahSlayer69 November 15, 2021

I like it

If you're ever down at Bondi, chances are you'll hear this term used by the one and only Sammy.

The meaning and origin is still unknown but we assume Sammy heard Robert (who is legally not allowed to be on camera) saying the term and then started saying it. Sammy doesn't only use the term, he ABUSES IT. Every sentence he says he chucks in a "I like it" or "It is what it is"...

"Hey Sammy how are you"

"Good Baruch Hashem and you?"
"yeah not bad, did you see that tiktok i sent you?"
"I LIKE IT, hehehe"

by SukkahSlayer69 November 15, 2021