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what da

Pronounced “Wut Duh” An expression that is not the same as “what the-“. What da is used to convey that what the other person said was stupid.

Person 1: I think that pineapple belongs on pizza

Person 2: What da

by Supermaniacjoey44 November 24, 2020

Georgia Samsonite

A trash bag that is used to carry belongings instead of a suitcase. Usually used by broke college students who can’t afford a suitcase.

Damn, look at Joe’s poor ass hauling around that Georgia Samsonite

by Supermaniacjoey44 October 9, 2023

Texas flip phone

A Texas flip phone is when you take your own shit and make a sandwich with it; a shit sandwich

Travis almost made me eat a Texas Flip Phone

by Supermaniacjoey44 March 9, 2021