Source Code


canadian form of jib

jibbe or die

by Swampy February 15, 2003

3👍 2👎

mad hydraulics

originated from watching matchbox cars slam into walls. conceived by leonard toy AKA meanrock

look at that pesto! mad hydraulics!

by Swampy February 15, 2003

1👍 3👎


major retard

what a fucking retardosaurus

by Swampy February 15, 2003

9👍 4👎


A hippy-type who embraces trees on a regular basis.

You are a fannyballs, leave my tree alone.

by Swampy May 27, 2003

9👍 12👎


wun means - whats up nigga?

<justin> yo...wun?
<jeff> nadt, you?

by Swampy September 15, 2004

15👍 87👎

break up

The most probable outcome after your girlfriend finds you playing hide the sausage with her sister.

by Swampy August 22, 2003

1481👍 290👎