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Sophomore year

The most irrelevant year of high school. It’s basically the “middle child” of high school. It’s basically a filler year. But it’s a really easy year. And at least you get more respect than the freshmen. By sophomore year, you should be more comfortable with your surroundings now & you pretty much already know the routine of high school. But you’re still not an upperclassman yet, so don’t get too cocky just because you’re not a freshman anymore. And this is the last easy year you’re gonna have, so enjoy it before you hit junior year.

“Is sophomore year hard”?
“No it’s basically like freshman year”

by TEEGUY July 3, 2024

Class of 2027

The incoming sophomores of August 2024. They want to be upperclassmen so bad, but they still act like little children. And they’re most likely getting a job & their permits, considering that they’re 15. They’re not freshmen anymore, but they’re still underclassmen, which makes them irrelevant.

“What grade are you going to?”
“So you’re Class of 2027?”

by TEEGUY July 3, 2024

4👍 2👎


A group of 10th graders who brag about the fact that they’re not freshmen anymore, but little do they know that they’re still underclassmen. They’re really no different from the freshmen, based on maturity levels. And high school is a breeze for them because they’re in the easiest year & they’re more comfortable with their surroundings & they’re used to the high school routine. And they are most likely learning how to drive and getting jobs. Being a sophomore has its perks, and it’s a lot better than being a freshman.

“Sophomores are way better than freshmen”
“Yep, imagine being a freshman 😂😂”

by TEEGUY July 5, 2024


A group of 10th graders who think they’re better than everyone else just because they’re not freshmen anymore. But little do they know that they’re still underclassmen. They are only in their 2nd year of high school, so they can’t really pick on anyone yet, besides the freshmen. But based on maturity levels, sophomores might as well still be freshmen because they don’t act any different from them. They are also most likely getting a job & learning how to drive.

“Everyone knows sophomores are the best group of high schoolers”

“Definitely not. Y’all are irrelevant asf”.

by TEEGUY July 6, 2024

Junior year

The most difficult year of high school. This is the year where teachers give you more work and they give you random tests and they give you a lot of homework. It’s also the year when you’re finally an upperclassman. And it’s also the year where teachers stop caring about your mental health and they torture you with a lot of work. And this is the year when you realize you’re halfway through high school & you’re about to be an adult. So if you’re entering junior year, ima pray for you because you’re about to go through it.

“Man I’m glad junior year is over”
“Yeah, this year was so hard”

by TEEGUY July 3, 2024

Freshman year

The best year of high school. You’re fresh out of middle school and it’s not as bad as your teachers described it. The classes are easy and the teachers take it easy on you because it’s your first year. The only downside is that you’re the youngest in high school & the other grades might hate you. Freshman year is middle school pt 2. This is also the year where you make new friends and meet new people. Enjoy freshman year because it flies by.

“What grade are you entering”?
“Freshman year”
“Dang, you’re lucky”

by TEEGUY July 3, 2024

16th birthday

This means that you are now able to drive legally and you’re able to get a job now. And you will probably get your first car. You’re only 2 years away from adulthood, which seems far, but yet so close!

“Hey man, my 16th birthday is coming up”!
“Dang, 16? You’re almost an adult”!

by TEEGUY August 20, 2024