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The ZYN Spins

A physiological feeling that takes place shortly after placing a ZYN nicotine pouch in your mouth. A state of complete euphoria takes place for a small window of time before your legs turn to jello, all motor function begins to deteriorate, and the earth begins to feel like you’re sitting on tilt-a-whirl. The feeling is exponentially enhanced when mixed with alcohol.

Brandon: Dude, I was wasted at the Bama last night and threw in a ZYN. I literally fell to the floor.

Joe: Sounds like a major case of The ZYN Spins.

Brandon: I still managed to get that girl’s number though!

by TESTICLETWISTER August 7, 2019

33👍 2👎

Swahili Squat Fuck

A sexual act that involves a male and a female. The woman is positioned with her back on the floor and raises her hips and legs in the air so her vagina is parallel with the ceiling. The male then lets out a loud shriek before rushing over to the woman and inserts his penis into her vagina. He then vigorously, and simultaneously, pounds on her vagina like a pair of congo drums. This was first done by horny tribesmen in Swahili centuries ago. However, it was perfected by the Mayans.

Joe: I was feeling kind if diverse last night with Bonnie.

Bob: Ahhhh she gave you the old Swahili Squat Fuck.

by TESTICLETWISTER December 22, 2013

17👍 3👎

Murda on the beat so it's not nice

A producer tag for the artist “Murda Beatz”. The line also acts as a disclaimer for listeners informing them of the impending disgust of the beat to follow. Side effects include: uncontrollable bowel movements, involuntary ejaculations, as well as temporary amnesia.

Murda on the beat so it's not nice

Listener: Jesus-tap-dancing christ!

by TESTICLETWISTER October 10, 2020

6👍 4👎

1948 Oklahoma Pile Driver

A sexual feat that requires the aid of a trustworthy pilot, oil, feathers, and a horny countrymen with nothing better to do. A male covers himself in oil, then proceeds to roll around in a pile of feathers. If done correctly, he'll almost appear to be a bird. The male then straps himself into a World War 1 open cockpit bi-plane. At exactly 9,865 feet, the male jumps out of the plane, without a parachute, plummeting towards the ground at terminal velocity. During this time the male becomes aroused, then makes his penis perpendicular to the ground, and then finally flaps his arms imitating a bird like motion before smashing "dick first" into the ground. This feat was first done by the famous Oklahoma resident Harry Sack in 1948 thus, giving the feat the name "1948 Oklahoma Pile Driver". This same feat can be done to a woman however, you would also need to hire a skillful mathematician in order to figure out the exact timing to jump from the aircraft.

Joe: Dude i would totally have sex with Sally
Colin: I wouldn't have sex with her, i'd give her a 1948 Oklahoma Pile Driver!

by TESTICLETWISTER August 9, 2013

48👍 4👎