Source Code


The best answer to choose in a multiple choice question if u dont know it!

(Also if the questions asks u to write the answer down, u can always change the C into the letter a, b, or d! That way u can complain to the teacher that he/she marked the test wrong!) LOL ITS PERFECTSSS

Retard: AHH fuck i dunno the answer to this question!

Other retard: When in doubt choose C!

Retard: I SEE!!

Smart Kid: If u study before u dont have to use C!

Retards: Smacks him in the head STFU nerd!

by THEMEOWMIXMAN December 3, 2007

597👍 242👎


When you get an erection from all those pornographic ads/popups. People usually have the urge to click the ads and get a harder boner.

Jimmy: I was on this site when I got an erection from this porn ad! I got an adrection! Better wank it off!

by THEMEOWMIXMAN December 3, 2007

16👍 5👎