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A derogatory term used for them dirty Croations!

Similar to ‘Slope, Spic or Nigger’

Melvin - ‘I’m going to make one of them immigrant Croats at the local car wash clean my van’
Gerald - ‘Is your van really that dirty?’
Melvin - ‘Yes, after I ran over that family of Croats and raped the mother, it’s disgusting’

by TWC.TV April 4, 2018

9👍 17👎


A man who drives a van around and makes people 'get in the van' and takes them to a random location and kicks them out.

"Where are we going?"
"It doesn't matter"
"I hope he's a vannist or were screwed".

by TWC.TV July 8, 2015

gorrest fump

The alternate version of Forrest Gump starring Al Gore.

Ma Momma said Box is life a like of locochates, get ya gonna what ya what never know. - Al Gore, Gorrest Fump

by TWC.TV November 30, 2015

44👍 1👎

An Unwanted

An Unwanted is a child who never gets adopted and has to leave the orphanage at 18 with no biological parent wanting them, and no desperate person unable to birth a child of their own wanting them either.

Unlike a homeless, an unwanted seeks love and affection, rather than spare change, yet both live off the land (streets in a city centre) and are without a home.... or love.

Jamie - 'Why is Jason Leaving the Orphanage?'

Mike - 'He's an unwanted, so now he's 18 he has to leave the orphanage on his own and live of the land.'
Jamie - 'Golly! I knew he wasn't loved by anyone but i never knew he was an unwanted!'

by TWC.TV March 17, 2017

22👍 2👎


A Roman soldier who talks shit 24/7.

"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions and loyal servant to the TRUE emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next."
"No it's not, you're bullshitticus, stop talking shit."

by TWC.TV November 30, 2015

35👍 1👎

Brick In The Wind

Like a brick in the wind, this person will be stubborn and not move when being pushed away.

If a brick was to be one with the wind it would cause a lot of damage, be very dangerous and annoying to all nearby.

Melvin - 'Hey Keith lets go to the beach!'
Keith - 'Naa i wanna stay home today'
Melvin - 'Fuck you Keith, you're such a brick in the wind'

An Angry white kid with a gun in school was described by the rest of the class as a brick in the wind.

by TWC.TV November 6, 2016

Leather Facing

To slice ones face off and wear it as your own.

Leather facing is a good idea if its October 30th and you have no costume.

It is also a good idea if you are old and want a to look much younger and don't mind peeling the face off of a Child/Infant/Toddler/New Born/Fetus.

My Nan has been feeling a bit down on how old she looks, so she went to a children's hospital and leather faced half of the leukaemia ward.

Shut up Pierre or i'll dig up your recently deceased granddad and leather face him and fuck your nan.

Wow I'm so tired after leather facing all them kids at chucky cheese. I think I'll have a siesta.

by TWC.TV March 17, 2017