Source Code


A legendary sex god who has powers unlike any other.


by TZ August 2, 2004

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

prostate balloon

When your assfucking a girl, and she farts. The stank-ass fart goes up your dickhole and into your prostate, inflating it like a balloon.

I knew I should'nt have gotten her a second helping at taco bell... that bitch gave me the worst prostate balloon ive ever had!

by TZ January 8, 2005

11πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

puerto rican lane change

Switching 2 or more lanes at once while driving on a highway or multiple lane road.

Lamey McLamerton: "DUDE theres our exit 23 lanes over, and your in the far left lane during rush hour!!!"

TZ: "Watch this, i'll pull the best puerto rican lane change you've ever seen"

by TZ February 25, 2005

77πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


The l337 name for Project: Zanzibar, a map based on the Halo 2 game and map.

It is also TsukasaZero's word. And noone else's.

<ZexGX> zaznibaer is going to pwn.

*Note an actual quote, just a re-enacment.

by TZ August 3, 2004

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The crispy crust that forms on the outer layer of smoked pork products (i.e. babyback ribs, pig butt & pork loin). If prepared properly, pig bark is without a doubt the best part of a pig.

"Mmmmm.... Pig Bark"

"Yo Matt, rip me off a piece of pig bark!"

"You crushed those ribs TZ, but are you gonna eat your pig bark?"

"Check it out, I peeled off all of the pigbark from the pork butt and made myself a pigbark sandwich"

by TZ April 15, 2009

Pig Bark

The crispy crust that forms on the outer layer of smoked pork products (i.e. babyback ribs, pig butt & pork loin). If prepared properly, pig bark is without a doubt the best part of a pig.

"Mmmmm.... Pig Bark"

"Yo Matt, rip me off a piece of pig bark!"

"You crushed those ribs TZ, but are you gonna eat your pig bark?"

"Check it out, I peeled off all of the pig bark from the pork butt and made myself a pig bark sandwich"

by TZ April 15, 2009

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

dirty nurse

when a girl (the nurse) sticks her finger (the thermometer) in your ass, then pulls it out and puts it in her mouth to see if you have a fever.

I wasn't feeling well, so the bitch gave me a dirty nurse to see what was up. Turns out everything was cool.

by TZ January 8, 2005

51πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž