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super oops

Similar to an oops, but much better.
When your fucking a girl, and you secretly RAM it in her ass as hard as you can. Then without any pause, you start fucking the living shit out of her ass as hard as humanly possible. This will send her into INSTANT shock. When she finally regains consciousness and musters up a small amount of energy to say "what are you doing??", you start pounding even HARDER and yell out at the top of your lungs "OOPS!"

It was her birthday.. so instead of giving her the usual oops, I realized this is a special day for her and decided to give her a super oops.

by TZ January 16, 2005

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When your wiping your ass and the toilet paper rips. This causes your hand to plundge into your poop shoot and covers your fingers with warm chocolate fudge.

"DUDE! Your toilet paper Sucks!! I just gave myself a brownicure!!!"

by TZ October 9, 2005

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Triple Kiss

A Triple kiss is when 3 people kiss at the same time. This usually happens while under the influence of alcohol or exstacy, and usually involves tons of tongue all over the place.

Heather and Missy, get over here! I want to triple kiss!!

by TZ December 13, 2004

70πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


German word for 'skull'.

Literal translation: Death's Head.

Name of a Waffen SS Division of Nazi Germany during The Second World War.

The Totenkopf Division was sent in to reinforce the front.

by TZ June 19, 2003

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A home water filtration system, thats easy to set up and simple to use. You can get a pitcher for your fridge, a filter tap for your faucet, or full size water cooler. Each of these requires the brita filter.
There are two main types of filter media in a Brita filters: Carbon granules, and De-ionization resin beads (DI). The DI resin beads remove charged ions and radicals from the water. These include calcium, magnesium, sodium, carbonate, and any other dissolved solids with a charge. The carbon granules reduce chlorine compounds and a number of other organics and inorganics. This is probably the most useful part of the Brita filter.
Brita filters also eliminate 98% of lead and reduce copper, chlorine (taste and odor) and mercury, all of which may be found in tap water. This gives ordinary tap water a much better/cleaner taste.

Another very useful method for a brita filter is using it to purify cheap vodka. Using a Brita filter, one can turn cheap, off-brand vodka into smooth, tasteful, inoffensive spirits that regularly win taste tests over name brand vodkas. Simply pour cheap vodka through the filter four times to make it smooth and delicious.

Dude, your tap water tastes like ass! Lets run to the store and pickup a Brita.

Dude, your vodka tastes like ass! Lets run to the store and pickup a Brita.

by TZ January 19, 2005

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snot clot

The gooey white blob leftover from when a guy cums directly, or indirectly, in a girl's nostril(s).

She would'nt stop bitchin.. so I grabbed her hair and gave her the biggest snot clot yet.

by TZ January 8, 2005

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frosty mug

When you shotgun a blunt or joint into one of those frozen frosty mugs and fill it to the top with smoke. The smoke will drop in temperature and look like liquid sitting inside the mug. Tilt the mug up and inhale (like you're drinking it) and you'll get a rush of cold goodness straight to your head. Definitely a kick ass way to smoke, and HIGHLY recommended!

"Hey, grab the frosty mug out of the freezer, I want to drink my hit this round"

by TZ November 14, 2007

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