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A word more commonly used in atl, used as a general term for anything precious, beautiful, or clean (tight)

Person 1: *walking with a pretty girl* you a fine ass jawn

by Tacoboutit July 3, 2017

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


A typical white girl who likes to get white girl wasted and is oblivious to the real world. Because having a Starbucks account doesn't make you better then anyone.

Becky: I am going to Starbucks, because I have an account and my mom just reloaded it. *shows her phone to person*

Person: shut yo ass up Becky, Starbucks ain't even all that

by Tacoboutit July 3, 2017

2πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž


Usually means, you understand in a question sense

Person 1: I am going to buy those new Jordan's and they are gonna be fire as fuck you dig?!

Person 2: for real

by Tacoboutit July 3, 2017


about half of the school population--- someone who is fake, a back stabber and talks shit about you.

Person 1: I heard you were talking shit

Person 2: nah bih your the snake who's running her mouth to everyone

by Tacoboutit July 3, 2017

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A sexual fetish where one or more people stand naked against a wall, while an other person throws oranges at their ass cheeks and masturbates.

Honey, I read about this thing called "orangeballing" and I want to try it tonight. I got Mandarin Oranges to keep it gentle our first time.

by Tacoboutit February 24, 2017


being woke means you are aware of the social, political and economic oppression of people of color-- and is taking action to better the circumstances

Person 1: your woke as fuck, I never knew how bad the world treats people of color

Person 2: be woke, don't turn a blind eye anymore.

by Tacoboutit July 3, 2017

18πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

Best believe

Just a way of saying, you can bet on something to happen if a another event should occur

Person 1: I heard Rosa said she was going to fight you

Person 2: if she touches me best believe I will whip her ass

by Tacoboutit July 3, 2017

25πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž