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Aperture Science

Please note that this may include spoilers for the games Portal and/or Portal 2.

Aperture Science is a scientific research company founded by Cave Johnson. It was once called "Aperture Fixtures" but then named "Aperture Science Innovators" to make the shower company more hygienic. The company was actually focused more on science. Long story short, In 1998, the robot, GLaDOS, was turned on during the holiday, "Bring your daughter to work day". Unfortunately, GLaDOS became self-aware and filled the Enrichment Centre with neurotoxin, killing the scientists. Aperture Science was closed and turned into testing area, run by GLaDOS.

Aperture Science. We do what we must because we can. For the good of all of us-- except the ones who are dead.

by Tactfulcore December 14, 2013

19👍 6👎