Source Code


The ambiguous entity, that no one in the world has heard of, yet this entity supplies the world with the wonderful, sometimes pain inducing, invention only known as, zippers.

2. What's engraved on your jeans zipper right know.

Guy 1: Hmm...I never noticed this, but my zipper says YKK on it..

Guy 2: ...And? Who gives a fuck....and who the fuck is YKK?

by Tai July 1, 2003

81πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Occasionally used as a prefix for words to literally decribe the opposite of the word.

Slang term placed in front of a word to emphasize a negative aspect.

1. Ashanti is horrible...her and her non-singin' ass..

James: OOOOO! My lunch break is in an hour! Ima go play on my Gameboy SP until then! *runs downstairs*
Boss: *runs to the top of the stairs* Get your non-workin ass back up here NOW!

by Tai July 10, 2003

49πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


elite, perfect, cool guy in planet

he's name is tai

by Tai July 16, 2003

305πŸ‘ 148πŸ‘Ž


leetest and lovable guy

he is so tai.

by Tai July 16, 2003

186πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž


See Pronunciation

See Definition and/or Pronunciation

by Tai July 7, 2003

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

running of the bulls

A unique practice where unimformed, misinformed, or ill-informed, foreigners that know nothing of the history of Pamplona and/or the practice of the running of the bulls, dimisses it to be simply a pastime where drunken farm boys, drunk off of whiskey and barly beer, make their way running through town as they are being chased down by a pack of angry, yet amused bulls.

These boys often scream in terror, shouting phrases like "wordOwch! my stomach lining!"/word or "wordMy blood hurts!/word" Or something of the sort while, routinely, but traditionally, being gorged, or even gutted by the horns of a bull.

The running of the bulls festivals is held in Pamplona, Spain, every year, for nine days in July.

by Tai July 10, 2003

91πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


Hair style, usually brought about by a crimping iron, or carefully placed curling iron presses, which results in hair gaining a wavy like, zig-zag design.

Girl 1: What am I gonna do with my hair?...it's all flat an' shit..
Girl 2: Giiiirl...why don't you curl it?
Girl 1: Nah, nigga..that's old...I know I'll crimp it!

by Tai July 10, 2003

46πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž