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the lounge

The most gratifying, satisfying game mode in any video game that will ever be created. Started with curiousity from Player 1 and Player 2, it has grown into a pop culture icon within the members. With a whopping 11 members now, it has expanded into urban legend at Pinkerton Academy. Loungianity, a new form of religion, has been created from The Lounge, fully equipped with "The Ten Commandments of Loungianity." All that's needed is a 360, 2 controllers, a FIFA 08 and playas willing to ball hard (Ben Rees as well). It's an antidrug. It's the best excuse to fail school. It's more than a game; it's a way of life.

"Dude you're coming to The Lounge tonight right?"
"Nah man, Mo'NIQUE called me tonight, and..."
"BEAN, you know the commandments..."
"Fuck man, aight I'll be there. Thanks for reminding me Soul"

by Tajjjjjjjjh April 29, 2008

23👍 10👎