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Has several meanings, in this case, when a male animal moves on to of the female for mating.

After hours of nibbling, caressing, and nuzzling the mare, she allows the stallion to mount her.

by Takara September 28, 2003

248👍 149👎


1. The process of summoning hugelings and crashing everyone in the area.
2. The opposite of being akisu in every way shape and form.
3. Having a strange almost sexual-like attraction to those with the name "akisu".

"Thats the fourth time today he pulled a ding0`."

by Takara June 30, 2003


adj. Being able to survive on exclusively on Lipton's Sidekicks and revealing only 1/4th of your face at any given time.

How can you eat that crap? God, thats so akisu.

by Takara June 28, 2003

14👍 2👎


'Dude' is an old, technical term for a horse's penis.

It's embarrassing when you're about to go into the show ring and your horse decides to drop his dude for all to see.

by Takara September 28, 2003

6👍 11👎