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A political and economic system that rejects the concept of personal ownership of property in favour of having all the wealth in the government's hands, and supplying necessary, and possibly luxury, goods to the population according to the individual's, and the mass's, needs.

This system is inefficient on a larger scale because of greediness and sloth, as in, many people taking more than they need and giving less than they can, although in a Kibbutz, or commune, this system is fairly efficient when coupled with some lenience regarding personal property (As in, allowing the capitalist based system of currency, but still keeping the economy run exclusively by the Kibbutz or commune management).

"To each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" ~ Exert from the Communist Manifesto.

The communist party garners the working class vote through promises of equality.

The communists are overthrowing the capitalist government.

by Tanktunker February 2, 2007

155👍 97👎


A political and economic system that rejects the concept of personal ownership of property in favour of having all the wealth in the government's hands, and supplying necessary, and possibly luxury, goods to the population according to the individual's, and the mass's, needs.

This system is inefficient on a larger scale because of greediness and sloth, as in, many people taking more than they need and giving less than they can, although in a Kibbutz, or commune, this system is fairly efficient when coupled with some lenience regarding personal property (As in, allowing the capitalist based system of currency, but still keeping the economy run exclusively by the Kibbutz or commune management).

"To each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" ~ Exert from the Communist Manifesto.

The communist party garners the working class vote through promises of equality.

Communism is the economic antonym of capitalism.

by Tanktunker February 2, 2007

17👍 22👎