Source Code


Abbrev. Full of shit.

by Targen December 2, 2002

451👍 178👎

the Cheat

Yellow creature of about one foot of height and spotted back, presumably of extraterrestrial origin.

"No rule is solid."
-Personal motto of the Cheat

by Targen December 2, 2002

4👍 1👎


1. n. Pornography obtained from, stored in and/or displayed on a computer. "I gots me some new pr0n off Kazaa!"
Term used to refer to pornography charged with humor. Note that pr0n may not be pornography at all. "Woooow, I dig this ASCII pr0n..."

2. Variant of porn.

by Targen December 2, 2002

473👍 257👎

cyber sex

Interchange of text in which an unsuspecting newbie describes imaginary actions of a sexual intercourse to another user of the Internet, who claims to be a young, good-looking woman, yet always is a fat and hairy old man who smells.

by Targen December 2, 2002

751👍 337👎


v. To bash.
The act of submitting one or more lines from an IRC conversation to the bash.org database.

by Targen December 2, 2002

133👍 109👎


n. Variant of fuck.

by Targen December 2, 2002

9👍 10👎