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cowboy the fuck up

To marshall your physical and mental resources and continue toward your goal. Cowboys of old were known for their stalwartness.

So you fell off your bike...you'd better cowboy the fuck up and try it again.

by Tasha December 25, 2004

57πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

ambient gaiety

An aura surrounding a self-purported straight male that alerts your spidey sense that his ass is really gay.

I don't care how many times Henry says he's straight, everyone knows he's lying! He's dragging ambient gaiety around like Pig Pen's cloud of funk.

by Tasha October 10, 2005

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

turd burglar

One who likes to steal another person's freshly released turd.

Turd = Shit

Turd burglar is also a name that a person who always is the pitcher while having anal sex.

I knew a kid in high school that would wait for you to leave the bathroom and then go and rob your turd that you just disposed of.

Turd = Shit... It is released from your anus and is usually a brown color but sometimes may vary depending on what you have had to eat.

My best friends boyfriend stuck his dick in her ass last night. He is known for being a turd burglar!

by Tasha April 5, 2005

31πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Bitch Ass Cunt

This word is often used by men who tend to be vindictive and hateful by nature.

This word is quite vulgar and I am I have noticed that many use this word to try to be as offensive and degrading as they can all in the same cut down.

BITCH- a 4 legged female dog; a word that most men call their female to offend. Whinney or annoying women are often called a bitch. B- Beautiful <3 I- Intelligent <3 T-Trustworthy <3 C- Crazy <3 H- Heavenly

Ass- A part of the body located below back. A person who often acts foolish can be called an ass. A part of the body that others enjoying looking at.

Cunt- a offensive name that women are called when the other wants to really piss them off. Another word for pussy. The cunt is located around the vaginal area.

My roommate often calls me a Bitch Ass Cunt is hopes that he is highly offenisve but inside ends up humoring me.

Jorge likes to use the phrase "Bitch Ass Cunt" when he feels like being vulgar towards a woman and most often when he wants to upset them.

Bitch is for a female dog. Ass is what my man enjoys looking at naked. Cunt is a dirty and kinky word for vagina or pussy.

by Tasha April 5, 2005

72πŸ‘ 140πŸ‘Ž


A crappy-ass store where teen mothers buy themselves slutty clothes.

Stacey had a shirt that said "Objects under shirt are larger than they appear." She bought it from Rave, can you say slutty? (true story)

by Tasha December 18, 2004

43πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž


misspelled word for conceited. for those who can't spell.

'I'm so concited and i have a reason'

by Tasha June 17, 2006

58πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

vaginal funk

pussy pussy pussy PUSSY!

The scent of PUSSY.

Quality pussy = roses
BAD pussy = fish, rancid ass sweat, 3 month old low fat milk

by Tasha January 14, 2004

27πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž