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When a person retreats into solitary, hibernation-like state and smokes excessive amounts of cannabis, for an extended period of time. Often immediately after an unfortunately event has occurred or the person is celebrating something. Among University students this can happen when an important deadline is looming and the student in question is procrastinating and avoiding the situation.

This usually occurs in a bedroom or similar environment of comfort where the person is unlikely to be disturbed and generally only need to leave to use the bathroom.

If a supply of food and water is easily accessible, highbernation can go on for days - even weeks.

1. Sarah: "Where's Beth?"
Cat: "She's in her room, she's been in highbernation since Sunday"
Sarah: "Ah...I see"

2. Yazz: "As soon as my dissertation is handed in - I'm gona highbernate for a week"
Beth: "Good shout"

3. Adam: "Write your essay man - don't go into highbernation!"

by TaylorB November 10, 2013


An injury to a person's dignity; slighting or contemptuous treatment; humiliating affront, insult, or injury.

When Michael got his penis ripped off by Joe, he took it as a great indignity.

by TaylorB September 8, 2006

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