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Lagoo Bagoo

An offensive word used to describe a person who is or behaves idiotic. The word is indigenous to Guyana but has become popular in some countries in the Caribbean, primarily the island of Trinidad.

You see all (dem) are propa (proper) Lagoo Bagoos.

by Team4Kira August 4, 2011

32👍 3👎


1 - to be concerned or show empathy toward someone.

2 - to show affection or love to someone.
3 - to provide for someone in need.

4 - a recently used North American slang that emphasizes your lack of interest in a matter or to simply interrupt someone in conversation.

1/2 - You must realize how much I care for you.
3 - I will take care of all the work.

4 - How are you doing today?

Well I am doing...

by Team4Kira August 6, 2011

79👍 38👎


A word that infers that someone is homosexual. Can be used in a homophobic sense or simply to describe someone as being overly effeminate or gay. Believed to be indigenous to the nation of Guyana but is often used throughout the Caribbean.

De (the) bai (boy) next door is a anti-man.

by Team4Kira August 4, 2011

44👍 10👎


1 - An offensive word used to describe a women's genitalia. The root of the word, comes from the English derogatory word "cunt." The word itself is indigenous to the Caribbean and areas of Northern South America.

2 - The phrase can also be the combination of the words "cunt" and "skank."

1 - Suck your mother's scunt.

2 - What a total scunt.

by Team4Kira August 4, 2011

23👍 12👎