Source Code

aye wey wey

the male version of aye bay bay

aye wey wey get your ass over here

by Telephone45 September 9, 2007

7πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


to hit someone hard enough to knock them out

can also be used as another word for slapped

Man, that hoe is about to get slept

by Telephone45 September 14, 2007

125πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

sexy spray

another name for a Victoria's secret body spray called "love spell"

Guy: "damn girl what chu wearin"

Girl: "sexy spray"

Guy: "awwwesomee"

by Telephone45 March 15, 2008

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


originally a British acronym for


however the definition changed when it came to America and is no longer used as an acronym but still means about the same thing

"wanna go to the mall"
"come on we can go on bopp patrol"

by Telephone45 October 24, 2007

10πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

mouth bop

a girl who makes out with every guy there is, not necessarily having sex with them however as is typical of a normal bop

dude that girls pretty hot.

nah dude thats a mouth bop she's got a fouler mouth than the kracken

by Telephone45 August 31, 2008


the reverse spelling of sav in which the meaning becomes the complete opposite
synonyms include: suck at life, loser, dumbass, and lame ass

guy 1:dude check it I'ma total sav
guy 2:uhh yeah no thats just vas

by Telephone45 July 11, 2008

13πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


a shortening of a word for use of texting or AIM
for instance: txting, thx, h8er,u, fck, r
its a good way to butcher the English language and confuse dumb people

aye nig w8 up I'm tryin to txt bopps don't be a h8er

by Telephone45 June 21, 2008