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People with the name Wolly, even as a nickname, are generally caring people. Although they may appear to be wild and annoying at first, once you get to know them, you realize that they can be the most caring people out there. Always willing to talk to others about their problems, even if they barely know the person! They love making new friends. They tend to hide their feelings, however, when they're in public. Most Wolly's have a seductive voice. Wolly's are also usually musically talented, be it with instruments or vocals. Not the type of people that you want to pass up a friendship with!

Person 1: "Who's that?"
Person 2: "That's Wolly, he's really nice."

by Televisionsux December 18, 2014

26👍 24👎


That motherfuckin nigga. Correction, the best motherfuckin nigga to ever waltz on this green and blue earth. Wolly's are rare as a minority Trump supporter, and they drive nothing but lamborghinis fueled by knowledge.

Dude 1: Who dat, fam?
Dudebro 42069666: That's motherfucking Wolly!!

by Televisionsux March 10, 2016

5👍 10👎