Source Code


A person acting like an Evan (AKA: Foxy@USEast.Battle.Net)

Someone who lacks a booty

Foxy is a wompawomp.

by Tequila November 8, 2004

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


One badass person who you don't really want to mess with because he will fagban you permanently if you piss him off. Trust me, I know k? Thx

Favorite thing he likes to do: Ban newbies, laugh at newbies, ignore newbies, make fun of how stupid newbies are, points and laughs, has an itchy copy/paste ready to ?adduser Tequila F if I mess up like =

But Phoenix has an awesome car, its like O_O and Annaberries is like, Rawr rawr *Flesh*! O_O

Emote <Zonker> Points and laughs at (insert your name here)

by Tequila December 6, 2004

18πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


Squeak - A GUY on Battle.net who is the shining example, and perhaps the only example of the phrase: A big pile of lame

Perhaps he needs to stop pretending to be a girl and stop joining 30 clans and stop laming Bnet up k? Thx

Tequila I hate you Squeak, you suck in life, I hope you die a horrible death
Squeak @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

by Tequila March 3, 2005

9πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Taco Beezy

The e-gangster word for Taco Bell

Originally coined from a student at Eastern Kentucky University which spread across the internet finally reaching here

It also sounds sexy
Taco Beezy...Beezy...Beezy Rawr~


by Tequila July 29, 2005

18πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


1. The most awsome person in the world

2. God in disguise

Isn't Berenice awsome?

by Tequila December 18, 2004

883πŸ‘ 308πŸ‘Ž


The word 'cow' is also a moderately offensive insult in the United Kingdom towards a woman who is supremely unpleasant.

"You fat cow!"

by Tequila May 22, 2004

613πŸ‘ 213πŸ‘Ž


DarkMinion (DarkMinion@USEast) (DarkMinionvL) (Mike) (Mikey)
Super 1337 programmer who hates stupid people but likes Tequila (Sexual Wink Wink Wink)

Has problems getting laid but can get booty from Mando ~

What's up Mike?


Kor PoWa?

<Zonker>: Eew, its DoucheMan
<Tequila>: DM DM DM DM DM DM <3!!!!!!!!!
<Fire>: DM DM DM
<Suicidal>: afk until dm is gone
<Dave>: anyways
<Skywing>: You suck at programming.
<Yoni>: Haha
<Pony>: ownt
<Trigga>: wait dm, let me blaze this roach and we'll baal

by Tequila November 12, 2004

6πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž