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Why in God's name do we still have these?

I just nuked my aunt's place

by Terminatrix March 8, 2005

8👍 22👎


A term used when the shit gets literally scared out of you, basically put it is jesus with a "b".

You scared the bjesus out of me!

by Terminatrix March 8, 2005

44👍 7👎


An great, easy going person who understands the good and the bad in life. Follows ethical and moral values. Always a gentleman and loves being the one treating out his girlfriend. Can get angry at times, but it is only because he cares a lot. Very passionate about the things he feels and never resorts to quitting. Has many great innovative ideas but could use some assistance as some of these ideas can be quite ambitious. Usually a daredevil and a can be reckless at times, yet caring and overprotective of the woman he loves. Will try to fight through obstacles and will put up a fight if anything comes in the way. Great all around person - Someone you should never let go of. Lucky to find an Arnold in your life. He will most likely change your life - don't fight it, he will love you forever and support you through the good and bad.

"Damn! The Legend Lives...It's Arnold. I want him to be my friend and lover"

"Dios Mio! El Senor Arnold. Que Hermoso"

by Terminatrix April 9, 2012

390👍 333👎


the sound an elephant makes when it holds it's urine for several days and then lets it all go in one big rush.

my God! I hope that never happens over my car!

by Terminatrix March 8, 2005

5👍 2👎


a black vampire who has a thing for killing people with a silver sword.

Oh, god, it's Blade! Protect your nuts!

by Terminatrix March 4, 2005

515👍 300👎