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that fucko

a name for someone you and your friends just hate or do not enjoy being around

Mike: You know that fucko Jerry?
Bob: Ya man he's such a cunt

by ThatFuckoNoOneKnows August 2, 2017

2👍 1👎

Mad Knowledge


Thats some mad knowledge rite there


by ThatFuckoNoOneKnows August 4, 2019

20👍 3👎

Cuddle Nut

When you wrap your balls around some other dudes balls.

Hey man do you wanna come in my cuddle nut?

Only if its just cuddling.

by ThatFuckoNoOneKnows February 17, 2019

2👍 2👎

Pan-Seared Cock

A Pan-Seared Cock is a technique used in grilling, baking, and braising a man's cock in which the surface of the cock is cooked at a high temperature until a browned crust forms. The appearance of the cock is usually improved with a well-browned crust and garnish.

Mark: Hey wanna come to my place for some Pan-Seared Cock?

Peter: Hell yeah, you always know how to pick out the good cocks!

by ThatFuckoNoOneKnows February 18, 2021