Source Code

Paddy Cake Fake-Out

When you play paddy cake with someone, and then "paddy cake" (hit) them really hard with the intent to harm them with either violence or as a friendly gesture, or to knock them away as a way to harm them or tell them to avoid you.

Person 1: "Let's play paddy cake!"
Person 2: "...fine."
*Playing paddy cake*
Person 2: *rears fist in a way that looks just like paddy cake*
Person 2: *launches fist forward*
Person 1: *flies backwards*

Plot twist: Person 2 was using a Paddy Cake Fake-Out

by ThatGuyAtParties November 16, 2019


A sort of vacuum, however it is primarily used for ghost busting instead of cleaning. Money, golden bones, dust, and rodents can also be collected.

"Luigi, can you take care of this ghost bugging me with your poltergust?"

by ThatGuyAtParties November 16, 2019

May The Fourth Be With You

A holiday mostly run by Disney on Disney Channel where Star Wars is celebrated. The reason why this holiday is celebrated is because it is a play on words for the phrase "may the force be with you"

Disney has a complete Star Wars related lineup today because of May The Fourth Be With You.

by ThatGuyAtParties November 16, 2019

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