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Norwegian slang, often used in Bergen, meaning: drug addict or a person who uses a lot of drugs.

Henrik: "Have seen that knark Daniel?"
Jonas: "No, but he is probably doing drugs under a bridge."

by TheDefinator2000 November 6, 2018

17👍 2👎


Norwegian slang, often used in Bergen, meaning: Alkoholic or a person who drinks a lot of alcohol

Sigve: "Have you seen that alkis, Daniel?"
Johannes: "Yeah, he is getting drunk with some friends."
Sigve: "Again? But thats the fourth time this week!"

by TheDefinator2000 November 6, 2018

2👍 2👎


Norwegian slang, only used in the city of Bergen, meaning: A rich, white and often annoying person who lives in Fana.

Trym: "Hey man, do you want to buy some beer with me for the party?"
Omar: "What? Beer? No thanks, I shall buy a Dom Perignon!"
Trym: "You are such a fanagutt..."

by TheDefinator2000 November 6, 2018


A stereotype of what a baby says

Mom: "How is my little girl doing?"
Baby: "Gugugaga."

by TheDefinator2000 November 6, 2018

61👍 19👎