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An in person podcast that switches to an online format.

Yeah I really like this podcast, except for the whole year of coronacasts in the middle.

by TheDimensionist September 16, 2023


Acronym for "Get the hell outta there."

After he laid out the facts, I knew I had to gthot

by TheDimensionist September 18, 2020

music mirage

A really good song that doesnҀ™t reflect what the artist actually makes. Often not even in the same genre.

I really liked the black seminole but it seems like it was just a music mirage.

by TheDimensionist February 9, 2023


The oldest anarchy server in minecraft. 2b2t is the oldest anarchy server in minecraft. some say the oldest anarchy server in minecraft, 2b2t, isn't the oldest anarchy server in minecraft. But I can assure you 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in minecraft, is the oldest anarchy server in minecraft

Mike: what server are you playing on? it looks like an anarchy server in minecraft
John: not just any anarchy server in minecraft. I'm playing on 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in minecraft
Mike: the oldest anarchy server in minecraft?
John: Yep, 2b2t is the oldest anarchy server in minecraft.
Mike: Wow, that's amazing I might get on the oldest anarchy server in minecraft, 2b2t, tonight!
John: That'd be great, good luck getting out of spawn on the oldest anarchy server in minecraft though

by TheDimensionist March 19, 2020

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Pax Pox

The sickness you get after going to a big convention. Symptoms vary wildly, but all stem from being around hundreds of people in a confined space for long time.

"Why didn't you come into work today?"
"I went to Vidcon last week and got Pax Pox. I've had a stomach ache since Sunday"
"ah dude that sucks, I dodged the Pax Pox this year"

by TheDimensionist February 25, 2021

The 2020 Effect

The instinctual feeling that it is still 2020. Shared by many members of Gen Z, who feel like past events are closer than they actually are; as if it is still 2020. Probably spurred by the pandemic and isolation, but nobody really knows where it comes from.

Most years have a satisfying ending, where after Christmas and New Years you get to reset and to on to the next year. However, COVID didn't care about the holiday season, and the defining characteristic of 2020 was carried on into the following year. In a way, it felt like 2020 never really ended.

"RIP my man Harambe"
"Dude, that meme is like 4 years old."
"I think you mean almost 8 years old."
"that's the 2020 effect"

by TheDimensionist November 6, 2023


Verb: the complete and utter obliteration of someone in a GTA V race. Usually to a point where they have to restart.

He sprunked me off of the track and into the river! I just sprunked myself!

by TheDimensionist February 13, 2017

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