Source Code


A web scripting language that is simply better than you. It can talk to databases, plug and chug math you only wet-dreamed about, and paint on freaking digital images. It's so cash, it's variables have to start with dollar signs. Rasmus Lerdorf (aka the jizz hammer) invented this beast.

<?php print 'I\'m better than ' . print_r( $_GET ); ?>

by TheEqualizer August 4, 2009

29👍 17👎


A legal herbal aroma mix that when smoked, will produce synthetic THC, leading to an excited, short-lived high comparable to marijuana smoke. Also known as K2 and Genie.

Yo we smoked some triad out of Kenn'y new glass bowl last night, it was fun.

by TheEqualizer December 19, 2010

7👍 5👎

Bonin' Bloody

To have sex while the female partner is on her period. Gross.

"Last night, I was bonin' bloody with Lucy because we were just so horny."

"That's fucked up."

by TheEqualizer October 7, 2009

2👍 5👎

of justice

A prepositional phrase used to indicate the quality of indescribable equalizing power in an object. Usually associated with instruments of deliverance.

"Dude, how did Tommy defeat Shamu?"
"Tommy used the Hammer of Justice."

God tapped his gavel of justice and there was silence.

by TheEqualizer October 9, 2009

6👍 3👎

High Definition

To watch a movie in high definition is to watch it following use of marijuana or other mind blowing substances.

"Dude, I watched Tenacious D and The Pick of Destiny last night...in high definition! My brain exploded to shit."

by TheEqualizer September 16, 2009

35👍 16👎


A scary-ass bro that looks like a freaking cobra.

Dude, that jacket made me soil my pants. You look like a brobra.

by TheEqualizer August 4, 2009

8👍 8👎