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Pit Stop

The act of having sexual intercourse by placing the penis in the armpit of a woman and thrusting back and forth.

This chick was on her period so she gave me the best pit stop!

by TheMasterOfBates April 17, 2011

23👍 33👎

Flat Tire

Getting an elbow in the testicles during a pit stop gone wrong.

I was getting the best pit stop from this girl when she accidentally gave me a flat tire.

by TheMasterOfBates April 17, 2011

18👍 21👎

Grilled Cheese

An old woman's vagina

Why does it take old women so long to pee?
It's like peeling apart a grilled cheese sandwich

by TheMasterOfBates January 30, 2014

1👍 3👎

Sand Baby

When an illegal immigrant from Mexico runs to the border while pregnant and accidentally has a baby in the sand.

Person 1: "Is she from the US?"
Person 2: "I'm not sure, I heard she's a sand baby."

by TheMasterOfBates June 28, 2011

4👍 5👎