Source Code

Morbiusly obese

A term that describes one who has morbid obesity, and is also a really big Morbius fan.

Guy 1: I'm telling you, man. He really did say "It's Morbin' Time" in the movie!
Guy 2: I know this is off-topic, but how much do you weigh?
Guy 1: Uh, at least 300 pounds I think?
Guy 2: I think you're morbiusly obese.

by TheRandomGuy_BD June 2, 2022

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Femboy Day

This holiday happens every year. The exact day this occurs is unpredictable.
Throughout the 24 hours, people will be required to dress up as and act like a femboy. Femboys will also be allowed to legally have sex with people who refuse to be a femboy. Also, you can't legally kill a femboy yet. That is for the day afterward, Anti-Femboy Day.
To those reading this, good luck.

Person 1: Hey! Do you know what day it is?
Person 2: Uh... Thursday?
Person 1: Dude! Don't you remember!
Person 2: Remember what?
Person 1: It's Femboy Day!
Person 2: SHIT! Lock the doors!
Person 1: Why?
Person 2: Remember what happened LAST FEMBOY DAY?
Person 1: Yeah. A femboy tried to give you a handjob. You were pretty traumatized!
Person 2: That is NOT happening again! Also get the shotgun!
Person 1: You can't legally kill a femboy let, dude. You have to wait until tomorrow.
Person 2: Oh. Dammit.

by TheRandomGuy_BD June 21, 2022

3πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

animation meme

A so-called "meme" that is basically an animation loop of a 16 to 18-year-old's OC (original character) doing some random shit. The OC usually is some sort of animal-human hybrid, a furry, or someone who isn't straight. I do not know what else to put.

Guy 1: Hey! Did you see the meme I sent you?
Guy 2: Yeah.
Guy 1: What do you think?
Guy 2: ... I don't get it.
Guy 1: What?
Guy 2: I don't get the meme!
Guy 1: What do you mean?
Guy 2: It's just some animation of an emo furry dancing!
Guy 1: And?
Guy 2: Where is the comedy? Where is the caption saying something funny?
Guy 1: There is no caption.
Guy 2: Then why is this a meme?
Guy 1: I honestly don't know. I think it's called an "animation meme".

by TheRandomGuy_BD October 20, 2022

22πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Engage in a mild amount of tomfoolery

Child abduction

"me an the boys will engage in a mild amount of tomfoolery"
Stated seconds before kidnapping and murdering 5 children

by TheRandomGuy_BD January 3, 2022

29πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Natural Ratio

When your comment gets more likes than the post you commented on, but you didn't intend for that to happen.

Guy 1 makes a post on Twitter. Guy 2 comments on said post, and gets more likes than him.
Guy 1: Dude! Did you just ratio me?
Guy 2: Uh... It looks like it.
Guy 1: Why though??
Guy 2: I didn't intend to ratio you!
Guy 1: Oh. So, I guess it was just a natural ratio.

by TheRandomGuy_BD August 4, 2022

The funniest prank known to man

Step 1) Acquire or build an atomic bomb
Step 2) Find a door
Step 3) Open the door a little
Step 4) Carefully place the bomb on top of the door
Step 5) Wait for someone to walk through the door
Step 6) TROLLED!

"I'm gonna pull the funniest prank known to man."
This quote was stated before the devastation of a small town in Utah.

by TheRandomGuy_BD June 2, 2022


Some fake sexuality that was created by dumbass horny Gacha kids.
Apparently, this means to be addicted and/or attracted to NSFW edits. Especially Gacha and Roblox edits.

Person 1: Hey...
Person 2: Yeah?
Person 1: I have something to tell you.
Person 2: Ok. What is it?
Person 1: I'm Heatsexual.
Person 2: I'm sorry, you're WHAT now?
Person 1: Didn't you hear me? I said that I'm Heatsexual.
Person 2: That's not a real sexuality.
Person 1: YES IT IS!
Person 2: Are you fucking dumb? It isn't.
Person 1: YOU are the stupid one! IT. IS. A. SEXUALITY!!!!
Person 2: You are not just wrong, you are stupid.
Person 1: WHAT?!
Person 2: And you're ugly, just like your mom.

by TheRandomGuy_BD November 13, 2021