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shitpost status

The status reached when you upload many short, low-res, usually worthless videos that are presumably meant to be funny to YouTube, sometimes 20 or 30 a day. Pioneered by channels such as Preston Garvey and jjxmb.

I uploaded a ton of videoclips I found in a meme thread on Discord to youtube, so I guess I've reached shitpost status!

by TheRealDiamond02 December 5, 2020

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To educate one self and/or someone else in the earlier (and often better) works of the legendary electronic musician, Zedd, often as an effort to mitigate the subject’s love of said electronic musician’s more modern works.

My sister liked Zedd’s “The Middle” so much, I decided it was necessary to give her a Zedducation.

by TheRealDiamond02 July 12, 2018

scumbag music

a term coined by Youtuber Pat Finnerty which describes heavy rock music from the late 90s and early 2000s. think Creed, Staind, Puddle of Mudd, Dope, 3 Doors Down... you'd probably hear it on a playlist at a college gym. often they use a "yarl" style of singing and employ "scumbag tone", which is a heavily distorted and muddy guitar sound, often provided by a Mesa Rectifier. the lyrics mostly focus on problems and pain, and occasionally drinking and fighting.

Nickelback is one of the ultimate "scumbag music" bands

by TheRealDiamond02 March 19, 2023

silent wonder

A phenomenon that's emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic, as schools and colleges resume lessons in virtual settings. In Zoom class meetings, they are the people who have their audio and video off, don't use the chat and are basically just worthless names on a screen. Woe betide you if you get stuck in a discussion group with silent wonders.

They really should make it so everybody has to turn their cameras and audio on or fail the course. That would deal with the silent wonder problem.

by TheRealDiamond02 November 12, 2020


A derogatory term for technical deathcore and technical death metal, coined by the infamous Metal Archives review writer Bitterman. Presumably conceived as a way to avoid calling the genre an actual type of metal.

"So, what type of metal do you listen to?"
"Rings of Saturn, mostly"
"Ugh, I can't stand that tek-deaf wankery"

by TheRealDiamond02 August 16, 2019

limitless list of co-writers

The list of writing credits on any given mainstream pop song, which contains far more names than necessary, sometimes not even including the artist who the music is attributed to. Why 8 people are required to write a song with literally the same arrangement as 99% of pop hits, we may never know.

"So this Demi Lovato song was written by Demi Lovato, Timothy Mosley, Jim Beanz, Jerome "Jroc" Harmon, Melissa Elliott, Lyrica Anderson, Nire, Garland Mosley, AND J. Angel."

"Arg, the limitless list of co-writers strikes again. I thought this was a solo artist?? When will we find someone who writes all her own music?"

by TheRealDiamond02 September 29, 2020

bree bree bree

Onomatopoeia for the sound created by slam metal vocalists. Presumably, the vocalist making the sound is enunciating lyrics, but they are almost never legible, even if you're reading official lyrics published by the band.

The sound is sometimes achieved through the use of pitch shifting technology.

"Hmm, so Propitious Vegetation's lyrics are about veganism, eh? Well, who knows if that's true, all I can understand is bree bree bree..."

by TheRealDiamond02 September 7, 2019

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