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to provoke someone, to irritate them.

Don't gas me or I'll punch you in the face.

by TheSaminal July 5, 2005

6👍 18👎


(v.) Wearing a green polo shirt with the collar popped to signal that you would like to have, at the very least, oral sex. When someone accepts your silent proposition they simply walk up to you and turn your collar down (aka as collaring.

There was a girl at the club last night that was greenlighting so I collared her quick and we snuck to the bathroom.

by TheSaminal July 5, 2005

6👍 12👎

good lookin'

an expression of thanks or approbation.

When I gave Ch--- one of my Yankee's game ticket stubs to look at, he held it gingerly in his fingers and admired it like a sacred relic. I told him to keep it; he replied with the deepest sincerity, "Good lookin', Marcus."

by TheSaminal July 5, 2005

49👍 13👎